Cancer War Anniversary

Hello health-seeking friends!    (friends of, now 140+ of you)

Three months ago today a “milestone” was observed:  The 40-year anniversary of the “War on Cancer” that was officially decreed by President Richard Nixon on December 23, 1971.  If you missed the news report of  it, you’re not missing much, but you can see it here (under 3 minutes) if you wish.   It’s pathetic:

(Link to that video is down below my signature.)

It’s pathetic because the reporter concludes by saying “experts see progress, but no imminent victory”.  Pathetic and tragic because we in QRA-land are ALREADY and constantly seeing incredible victories over cancer!  Through QRA, the practitioner roots out the drivers, eliminating them, then enabling the body to rebuild itself to outstanding health!  But you’ll never see a story about THAT in the mainstream media!

Nor will you see a shocking short (4 min.) video a friend sent to me a few days later.  It’s about widespread deception in the pathology industry when it comes to cancer victims.  This will blow your mind, like it did mine!  He had some very severe words in his email, some of which I don’t fully agree with, but still wish to let you see:

There is a series of 15 short videos on by Dr. Michael Farley on the dangers of traditional cancer treatment. Dr. Farley has done many autopsies of people who supposedly died from cancer. Almost none died from cancer. They died from liver/renal/cardiac failure as a result of chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Oncologists are people with a severely seared or no conscience. Almost none are Christians. They “murder” people for the money. When you are diagnosed with cancer any symptom from then on will be attributed to cancer and never to the murderous treatments. Oncologists have a license to kill. Please watch this video and others by Dr. Farley. is a very good web site.

Here’s the link my friend sent me:
Traditional Therapies Kill, Not Cancer

That video is under 4 minutes and very shocking to some.  Who would have thought there’d be such pressure on pathologists to be dishonest EN MASSE?

At that site, I did a search on “Farley” and found a bunch more videos.  In one of them, Dr. Farley talks about his experiences in pathology school learning to do autopsies.  What he says about his experiences with cancer autopsies is startling (also under 4 minutes):

Is Cancer Really a Cause of Death?

How shocking to find that those who “die of cancer” almost NEVER die from the cancer, but from the destructive treatments!   And now you have poignant testimony from a seasoned pathologist confirming that!

Of course it’s nice to know that we who regularly see a physician who practices Quantum Reflex Analysis (QRA) can know that of all the things in life that could tempt us to fear, cancer (and other “long and lingering illnesses” ala Deut. 28:59-61) is no longer one of them!  If I have it at the start, it will go away.  If I screw up and it starts to sprout for the first time, it will be nipped in the bud.  Learn more about this amazing system at:


1. The website now has a new look and feel.  You can get where you want to go much quicker and easier.  If you haven’t been there in awhile, take a new “look around”.

2.  There’s not much new content, though.  But it’s not for lack of material.  This month marks the 3-year anniversary of when adding to the Best of HealthLine library had to tragically STOP due to lack of funding.   I’ve been capturing and (largely) cataloging every show during these 3 years, but haven’t been able to process all that wonderful stuff.  And there are also many other areas that the site can be improved and expanded to help everyone get the health knowledge they need to beat nearly any chronic condition.  Will YOU consider helping out?   There’s now a new lower minimum monthly amount that you can set up with PayPal.  Under $6 a month!  (Can you afford that?)  If everyone who loves the great health they learn about from chips in, the site will explode in new value to everyone!  And remember, there’s other benefits to those who become partners with  See the “Donate” page at the site for more information.  (Click here:  Your help is greatly needed.

Tom Cook
(407) 897-4063
TomCook @
Suffering from illness is now purely a choice… not a requirement.

Link to video of NBC news report:

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Announcing the Blog for

Hello health-seeking friends! now has a BLOG!    (Oh, I’m very new at this, so pardon if it takes a while for me to better set it up and run it.)
I will be posting probably up to a few times a month, and they will be short and sweet!  I’ll give you tidbits of health knowledge and/or point you to parts of that will aide you in your health knowledge.  There will be new items at the site or existing items you might not have noticed.  (There’s a LOT not to notice, especially in the big Best of HealthLine audio library.)  Feel free to post comments or questions here.  You’ll only need to enter a name and email address.  Now for this post’s relevant and timely topic…
Turkey and tryptophan
Most of us enjoy the blessings of eating turkey on Thanksgiving day.  But did you know that some people need to avoid it?  Dr. Marshall has explained that turkey is the one poultry that has tryptophan.  He said that it can end up being an excitotoxin which is very bad for anyone with a neurodegenerative disease such as Alzheimer’s, ALS, Parkinson’s or MS.  Those people need to avoid tryptophan like the plague.  ( will eventually have something on this.)
Tryptophan and Dr. Marshall personally
But on a related note, did you know that Dr. Marshall was nearly killed with a particular tryptophan supplement?  God forbids us to hybridize seeds.  Lots of serious consequences come if we do.  But an implication of such a prohibition would be genetic modification.  Listen to Dr. Marshall for 3 minutes or so (1st part of a 12 min. clip) as he describes what happened to him when he took tryptophan that was produced by genetically modified bacteria:
This audio clip was not on the radio, but you can hear it hear at  Awesome story!  He nearly died like many others actually did.  But thanks to his perseverance and willingness to think “outside the box”, he survived, became once again fabulously healthy, and now offers to us and the world the system that is saving and improving lives everywhere, Quantum Reflex Analysis!
Happy and blessed Thanksgiving to you all!
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